We have currently got at least four specially adapted trail cams out around the county, waiting for harvest mice to visit! Moving so fast, they are hard to capture, but we have got lots of photos of other mammals visiting, as well as the odd bird and reptile!
Here is a selection of some of the photos. If you hover over the photo and click on it, you should be able to see a much larger version. More photos will be added, as they come in. You can also see a lovely compilation of videos on our YouTube channel here.

January 2024
We’ve been sent some lovely trail cam photos by West Country Wildlife Haven, taken over the last two weeks. Jon is very kindly hosting one of our project cameras, as well as having his own ones out.
You may remember that last season we got some superb shots of harvest mice on these cameras. This year the cameras are in the same place, but the harvest mice are playing hard to get. There have been some super views of the visitors that have been tempted in though!

A selection of harvest mouse photos

Other mammals


Birds (just a few of many)